Idiot’s guide to designing teen movies covers in 3 easy steps:
1. Get a picture of a woman’s spread legs (must wear skirt or underwear). The longer the legs are, the better.
2. Get a picture of the main characters (preferably with a stupid smile, looking up). At least 2 guys recommended.
3. Overlay the previous two pictures (don’t forget to also add the movie title)
Result: Get paid a ridiculous amount of money for creating top notch movie cover designs.
Examples of designs from people that followed this guide:
i wudnt mind bein between her legs
m sure my black andaconda wouldn fit in there!!!!!!!!
Imagine those legs around ur hips……mmmmmm!!!
i wish i was doing that:) lol
i can’t get it that why US are keen on girls legs…
really disappointing.try to create better thing
iv allredy bean betwen all of them bitch